Elixir vs Erlang
A friend of mine who is learning Elixir asked me how I would write a function
that takes a length n
and a char c
to build a string consisting of n
chars c
Firing up iex
and messing around with it brings me up to the conclusion - easy:
Stream.repeatedly(fn -> "-" end) |> Stream.take(10) |> Enum.join("")
Wow, so Clojure. Nothing wrong with that, but the said friend rated it ugly.
Then I figured String.duplicate/2
String.duplicate("-", 10)
Which made me angry enough to look up String.duplicate/2
@spec duplicate(t, non_neg_integer) :: t
def duplicate(subject, n) when is_integer(n) and n >= 0 do
:binary.copy(subject, n)
Duh. All hail Erlang.